Lopez to Pyner. October 3, 1770


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 5, folder 30, doc. 41


Lopez to Pyner. October 3, 1770

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


John Pyner

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Snow: Joseph. Captain: John Pyner. Destination: London. In Lopez, Pyner should deliver the enclosed letter and cargo to Hayley & Hopkins, agreeable to bills of lading. Lopez wants Hayley & Hopkins to sell the vessel, and Lopez recommends Pyner to do all in his power to set the vessel off in the best manner to get the price that he had stipulated. If Hayley & Hopkins could not sell the vessel, they will give Pyner a loading with which he should return home. Lopez desire Pyner will dispose of the 6 casks of New England rum and the kegs of cordials on his way home and deliver the net proceeds thereof to Hayley & Hopkins. "The good confidence and experience I have of your frugality and zeal for my interest, renders it needless for me to limit your expences and caution you to avoid the tempting charges at the Thames but relying you'll do my interest all imaginable justice I rest."

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Joseph, John Pyner, Newport to London, 1770 Sources