Lopez to English. April 24, 1771


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 1, folder 4, doc. 19


Lopez to English. April 24, 1771

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Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


William English

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Brigantine: Ann. Captain: William English. Destination: Quebec. On his way up to Quebec, English should stop in Gaspé and lad the company of fishermen that is on board, together with their provisions and implements of the fishery. As soon as he has done, he should continue the voyage in going up the River St. Lawrence. "Keep a good look out and fail not taking in a pilot wherever it is customary to take them, as I would by no means have you to run any risque of the brigantine so as to endanger my insurance". In Quebec, English should deliver the inclosed letter to Werden & Mercier with the cargo agreeable to bills of lading. They will furnish English wheat to load the brigantine. Lopez recommends English to verify if the wheat "is properly aired and free from the least moisture; it being a commodity liable to take damage, you are also to see the brigantine well dunnaged and seal'd up with dry season'd boards, the decks to be well paid ober, and every joint in the brigantine that may let in any water well stopped; and as I understand that the Canadians are rather careless in cleaning their wheat sufficiently, I desire you'll not only be attentive to examine its quality, but also to inspect narrowly in their measurement in which am told they will make no scruple to take some advantage". As soon as the brigantine is loaded and it is safe to navigate, English should make his way for Lisbon. There, he should apply to Mayne & Co. and deliver them the enclosed letter and the letter that Werden & Mercier will give him for the same Mayne & Co., who will receive the cargo of wheat and immediately give English another of salt etc. Then, English should return home. Lopez expects to see him in Newport early in the Fall "so as to pursue our Affrican adventure".

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Ann, William English, Newport to Quebec, 1771 Sources