Lopez to Hathaway, July 16, 1773


Holding institution


Aaron Lopez papers (P-11)


Box 1, folder 1, doc. 22


Lopez to Hathaway, July 16, 1773

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


Nathaniel Hathaway

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Brigantine: Abigail. Captain: Nathaniel Hathaway. Destination: Surinam. In Surinam, Hathaway should dispose of the cargo for the best advantage and invest its proceeds in molasses. The remainder of the net proceeds lay out in good and approved bills of exchange to Daniel Crommelin & Sons of Amsterdam. Instructions about these bills of exchange. After he has made the remittance of the bills of exchange and purchased a full load of molasses, Hathaway should forward Lopez a bill of every set together with bills of lading for the cargo. "Inclosed you have sundry notes of hand and receipts for what outstanding debts you left at Surinam the last voyage which being transactions of your own contracting I rely on your using all possible means to liquidate this voyage , as it is very inconvenient for me to have such an interest out of my hands, besides being under the disagreable necessity of sending vessells to so discouraging market as Surinam". Hathaway should turn the bills into money and proceed to the Mole, to get a load of molasses. If he cannot dispose of the bills for molasses, he may stor at the nearest Salt Islands and there load with salt, and later make the way home. Lopez adverts Hathaway to not take any goods on board at St. Eustatius because the brigantine can be seizured there, "as I would by no means endanger the brigantine for the sake of a few cases of Geneva".

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Abigail, Nathaniel Hathaway, Newport to Surinam, 1773 Sources