Lopez and Brown to Hathaway. December 12, 1778


Holding institution


John Carter Brown Library Collection (MS-435)


Box 3, folder 5


Lopez and Brown to Hathaway. December 12, 1778

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez
Nicholas Brown

Location (creator or sender)

Providence, Rhode Island (USA)


Nathaniel Hathaway

Location (recipient)

Providence, Rhode Island (USA)




Lopez and Brown are sending a letter to Palmer & Heemsherk and other paper concerning the brigantine George, David Dunwell master, consigned to Samuel Hissam, late of Surinam, deceased, whose vessel was there condemned as unfit for the seas and the net proceeds of the said vessel and cargo came to the hands of Palmer & Heemsherk as executors of Hissam’s will. This affair remains unsettled and they had empowered Captain Dennis (?) in June last with all necessary papers and they have since qualified Captain Simon Smith in care of Captain Dennis not to get to Surinam to settle all their affairs. They are empowering now Hathaway with all papers needed to settle the same affair. In case Captain Smith should not arrive soon after him, Hathaway should proceed to settle with the executors concerning the brigg and cargo in the best manner he can. He should pay the least freight and ship the same all on board his vessel, “without you should have the opportunity to ship part in more profitable bulky goods to this place or Nantucket, in good sailing suitable vessels on reasonable terms, settling the freight there in the bill loading”. If the said affairs remain unsettled by Captain Smith, he should receive the remainder in goods and bring it home. In case Captain Smith should arrive and settle the affairs, Hathaway should take all or a part of the net proceeds in goods on board his vessel for Lopez and Brown’s account. Nicholas Brown had for some time expected some goods from John Turner & Son of Amsterdam to the care of Hissam, so, he instructs Hathaway to try to get these goods and bring them in his vessel, in the case they should come, from the executors if Captain Smith does not arrive in Surinam. They send a list of the articles sold by Hissam, according to a letter he had sent them: fish, tobacco, rice, tar, 1 horse, staves, spermaceti candles. They enclose a memorandum of what to lay out the net proceeds in several types of cloth, cutlery, tableware. On December 14, Lopez adds the information that Captain Dennis arrived at Bedford from Surinam but he had not yet been informed about the situation of the affairs. So, he confirms to Hathaway to proceed to Surinam and try to settle and finish the affair.

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