Lopez and Rodriguez Rivera to Briggs. August 20, 1766


Holding institution


Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica




Lopez and Rodriguez Rivera to Briggs. August 20, 1766

Document Type



Creator or Sender

Aaron Lopez
Jacob Rodriguez Rivera

Location (creator or sender)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)


Nathaniel Briggs

Location (recipient)

Newport, Rhode Island (USA)




Ship: Sally. Captain: Nathaniel Briggs. Destination: Coast of Africa. Briggs is instructed to dispose of the Sally's cargo at any part of the Coast of Africa that he finds more advantageous and there procure a cargo of "good slaves" that suit the West Indias markets. "as you are well acquainted, both with the Coast & Trade, we leave to your prudent management the whole transactions on the Coast". After he finished his transactions in the Coast of Africa, he should make his way to Barbados and endeavour to dispose of the enslaved people there. If he could not do it to their advantage, he should proceed to any other British Island in West Indies, as far down as Jamaica. Briggs should load the brigantine with molasses or good rum. If he can not get cash for the remainder, he should bring it with him to Newport or take good bills of exchange. If Briggs received bills of exchange, he should send two-thirds of the value to William Stead in London, for the account of Aaron Lopez. The other one-third should be sent to Henry Cruger Junior, in Bristol, for the account of Jacob Rodrigues Rivera. In the meanwhile, if Lopez and Rivera decide to change these instructions, they will remit a new letter to Barbados in the hands of Tucker & Bedford, merchants there. Lopez and Rivera list the privileges that the crew should receive: six enslaved people to Briggs, "Mr. William English your chief mate is allowed to bring off three prime slaves, or in lieu there of four small slaves; Mr. Steph. Hormer, your second mate, is to bring off one slave; Anth.º Franco one slave, & Good and Sabins (two foremast men) one slave between the two".

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